Principal Message

Heartiest Greetings of the day

"The school should be a place of joy , a temple of knowledge and a home away from home for children , A strong education system is the backbone of any nation. Lliteracy brings awareness which leads the society onwards objectively and turns into settingoff the targets and finally achieving goals which are not related to only personal achievement but also for the the benefits of society."

Our Purpose is to provide in the school campus an environment for the holistic development of children so that they finally emerge as winner.

At V.P.P.S, we strive to create a dynamic environment for education and set the stage for student for achievement and success. Each day , children of varying abilities , talents , interest and backgrounds of work and play together. We encourage our students to challenge themselves , celebrating their creativity , initiative and individuality , through their daily interactions in the classroom, as well as their participation in our many co-curricular programmes . Our students are provided with the foundation for a life long love of learning . I am privileged and consider myself lucky that so many wonderful students , staff members and families touch my life each day , students and teachers have discuss and work together. They have worked together as a team and come up with brilliant results in every fields.

The school’s partnership with our parents is vital to success of our students and school. Even though I spent lot of time in areas where I can be with students and on rounds , inspecting the school . I can be reach with realistics easily.
We are partners in yours children’s education. So please keep an active and open line of communication with V.P.P.S . It is our commitment to our students that we shall extend the best innovative practices in every sphere of their schooling . There is no milestone to reach with a strong volition.
Wishing everyone for a significant and remarkable journey ahead.

M.S Chandel

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