Games & Sports

The School has compulsory participation of every child in all school sports activities unless a child is physically unfit.


The School has yoga classes for spiritual and physical development of student. the yoga teacher keeps record of each students health & keeps inspiring them for Ayurved Naturopathy etc.


The School has music classes. The Students participates in various internal & external music competitions.


Children are given opportunity to act on the stage during various school programmes.


Annual Exhibitions in Sciences , Humanities and crafts are the regular activities of the school.


The school arrange the comptitions on arts & crafts on the spot painting, group discussions , quiz etc on the weekly & monthly basis.

Festive Celebration

All major Festivals of india holi, Diwali, Eid , Christmas and National days are celebrated with enthusiasm in school campus.

Visiting Faculty

The School arranges the competent subject experts from various Institutions in order to develop the standard of the students.

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